Family Photoshoot With Baby – Riverview, FL Photographer

Family Photoshoot with Baby

Family Photoshoot with Baby – Riverview Florida

My children and I were in need of a much needed outdoor adventure so I decided what better time to do a family photoshoot with baby and all after having a couple of cold days that kept us indoors.

I decided it would be a great opportunity to also take some photos to document my daughter just turning 9 months old. So off we went to the park to walk some trails.

We saw a lot of beautiful wildlife which is so exciting for my toddler. He really enjoyed observing all the signs and it made me laugh listening to his interpretations of them. He even exclaimed, “come over here mom, there are turtles this way” haha.

We ended up seeing tons of birds including a woodpecker that my son enjoyed, and then at the end of the hike we ended up seeing a turtle covered in white dirt coming out of its burrow. After our hike, we parked ourselves at one of the picnic tables to have some snacks and my son also played in the dirt with his dump truck and bulldozer we brought with us. Then of course, what trip to the park is complete without stopping at the playground haha. All in all, it was such a fun filled day with the kids.

For the photos, I found a little side trail that had a natural staircase with the most beautiful afternoon backlight. So that is where I decided to set the kids up and snapped these gorgeous photos. These photo have definitely inspired me to take the time to document my own children more often. Time is such a thief and I want to capture their sweet little faces as much as I can.


capturing authentic Moments

Tampa Bay, Florida



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